A Hole in Our Hearts – Doris Meneses

As many of you may know, Martha Curtis passed away 2 Fridays ago after battling cancer.  One of her favorite customers (and ours) was Doris Meneses of the South Dade News Leader.  Doris and her family have been coming to Shiver’s for years and have been great customers and friends to our family.  Doris was gracious enough to write a column in Martha’s memory this past week.  We are very thankful to her.  It means so much.  The article can be found here:

Hole in Our Hearts



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Happy New Years from Shiver's!

Happy New Years!

Happy New Years to everyone!  We will be closing at 5 pm today so our employees can celebrate the coming of the new year.  Look for (more…)

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Santa Claus

Santa Claus eats BBQ

Look who came to visit last night.  Who knew Santa likes BBQ?

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